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It seems that we had an issue with emails going between our telegram.org corporate addresses and the Brazilian Supreme Court. As a result of this miscommunication, the Court ruled to ban Telegram for being unresponsive.

On behalf of our team, I apologize to the Brazilian Supreme Court for our negligence. We definitely could have done a better job.

We complied with an earlier court decision in late February and responded with a suggestion to send future takedown requests to a dedicated email address. Unfortunately, our response must have been lost, because the Court used the old general-purpose email address in further attempts to reach us. As a result, we missed its decision in early March that contained a follow-up takedown request. Luckily, we have now found and processed it, delivering another report to the Court today.

Because tens of millions of Brazilians rely on Telegram to communicate with family, friends and colleagues, I ask the Court to consider delaying its ruling for a few days at its discretion to allow us to remedy the situation by appointing a representative in Brazil and setting up a framework to react to future pressing issues like this in an expedited manner.

The last 3 weeks have been unprecedented for the world and for Telegram. Our content moderation team was flooded with requests from multiple parties. However, I am certain that once a reliable channel of communication is established, we'll be able to efficiently process takedown requests for public channels that are illegal in Brazil.
似乎我们的 telegram.org 公司地址和巴西最高法院之间的电子邮件存在问题。 由于这种沟通不畅,法院裁定禁止 Telegram 没有回应。

我代表我们的团队,就我们的疏忽向巴西最高法院道歉。 我们绝对可以做得更好。

我们在 2 月下旬遵守了较早的法院判决,并建议将未来的删除请求发送到专用电子邮件地址。 不幸的是,我们的回复一定丢失了,因为法院使用旧的通用电子邮件地址进一步尝试联系我们。 因此,我们错过了它在 3 月初做出的包含后续移除请求的决定。 幸运的是,我们现在已经找到并处理了它,今天向法院提交了另一份报告。

由于数以千万计的巴西人依靠 Telegram 与家人、朋友和同事交流,我请求法院考虑酌情将其裁决推迟几天,以便我们通过在巴西任命一名代表并设立 一个快速应对此类未来紧迫问题的框架。

过去 3 周对世界和 Telegram 来说都是前所未有的。 我们的内容审核团队收到了来自多方的请求。 但是,我确信一旦建立了可靠的沟通渠道,我们将能够有效地处理针对在巴西非法的公共渠道的移除请求。